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A person sitting at a computer at home connecting with another person through the screen, symbolising online support

Unlock School Success with our Professional Services

Our team assists with implementations, training, consulting, health checks and more to ensure you are getting the most of your software - right from the start.

Training & Consulting

Explore our range of customised training and consultation offerings for any level of experience. Give your staff the skills and confidence they need to use TASS effectively.


Hands-on, group workshops for new users or those learning about a new area of the software. Log into the Customer Hub to see what's available.

Projects & Implementations

Configure and deploy additional modules and portals - with a dedicated Project Facilitator by your side for the entire process to ensure that your project priorities are met.

Health Checks

Book a Health Check to take a look under the hood and see how effectively your school is using TASS. A comprehensive report provided upon completion outlines issues and recommendations.

Is Your School Management System Getting in the way?

Do you battle with clunky systems that waste your time, and data silos creating frustration and inefficiency?
These kinds of daily challenges hinder your ability to focus on what matters most.

Upgrade to an all-in-one system designed to work with you to streamline processes, connect your school community, and give you and your staff the freedom to focus on providing the best educational outcomes for students.

Ready to transform your school?